
Registered NDIS Provider

Exercise Physiology services can be provided to help you achieve your goals set out in your NDIS plan. We are a Registered NDIS Provider.

The NDIS offers supports in line with short and long term goals that the participant or the person caring for the participant identifies. Meaningful Movement can assist you to improve your health and wellbeing. This can be achieved through a hydrotherapy or gym based exercise program or even a structured exercise program at a community facility, your home, school or workplace. To facilitate this, we will provide a service agreement outlining the services we will provide including the hours involved and our fees.

We will complete a pre-exercise assessment to assess your current activity levels and function. This is to ensure that any expected outcomes or improvement towards meeting your goals can be measured. We will complete a re-assessment at the end of the service and provide you with a report that you can take to your next NDIS plan review meeting as well as your treating Doctor.

Workers Compensation & Motor Vehicle Accident

We are experts in facilitating a return to health and wellness following a workplace or motor vehicle accident. We are a mobile service in that we bring the program to the patient, whether it be at a local pool, gym or at the patient’s home or workplace.

Our services include a pre-exercise assessment followed by a tailored and individualised exercise program that is supervised on a one to one practitioner to patient basis. Exercise modalities may include hydrotherapy, gym or home-based programs and are individualised to each patient and their return to work goals.

At Meaningful Movement we understand the importance of communication between all key stakeholders to ensure a positive experience for the patient and the overall program outcome. All patients and key stakeholders such as treating Doctors, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Insurers etc are provided the treating Exercise Physiologists direct contact details. We also communicate through regular detailed written reports to ensure all parties are on the same page throughout the treatment plan.

Life Insurance

Meaningful Movement provide specialist work conditioning and wellness programs for customers in the Life Insurance space. We are a mobile service in that we bring the program to the customer, whether it be at a local pool, gym or at the customers home or workplace.

Our services include a pre-exercise assessment followed by a tailored and individualised work conditioning program that is supervised on a one to one practitioner to client basis. Exercise modalities may include hydrotherapy, gym or home-based programs and are individualised to each patient and their return to work goals.

Aged Care

Our Exercise Physiologists are highly skilled in prescribing programs to senior clients to assist with their wellness, mobility, strength and overall health and quality of life. Benefits of working with Meaningful Movement Exercise Physiologists include:

  • Maximisation of functional capacity to promote independence.

  • Prevention or delay of admission to residential care (if at home).

  • Prevention or delay of admission to hospital.

  • Individuals who may benefit more: post-operative orthopedic post-operative deconditioning, falls prevention, improving strength and balance to complete ADLs, neurological rehabilitation and cardiometabolic rehabilitation

We can assist clients under the Australian governments Home Care Package (HCP) initiative under My Aged Care.